Thursday, January 31, 2008

What was i thinking...

Days like today make me wonder what possibly could have been going through my head when i declared a major in computer science. I think I was in denial of the fact that it is in essence math based and that yes, eventually I'd have to move past "Hello World" into what I'll deem "Hello Ilana's worst nightmare parallel universe." (This rant is brought to you by the evil construct of "inductive proofs" in conjunction with my two hour review session). I have had one positive observation, fortunately: What I don't understand in lecture and practice sessions has nothing to do with Hebrew; it would go straight over my head in English too! I hate proofs. All of the givens make sense, then it seems like the proof suddenly jumps to some conclusion that comes out of nowhere. אין לי כוח!

In related news, my Ulpan teacher wrote on one of my latest vocabulary paragraphs, "Why are you studying computers? Have you ever taken a creative writing class?" Just what I needed to hear.

The computer science class I'm in has a reputation for being pretty difficult so I'll try to take the past week or so with a grain of salt and read through my notes a few thousand more times since that's helped before. I'm meeting a lot of different people in my class though, which I think might make this worthwhile. Coming soon: The first homework assignment.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think you were doing great in CS. When I was your TA what you impressed me the most is your consistency throughout the semester. That is something goes a long way in your life no matter what you gonna do.

Looking for something you really like could be the most difficult thing in your life. I have been looking for me for more than 10 years after I realize being an astronaut is impossible for me...