I must say, friends and family, I’m a little disappointed in you. Since I sent my shameless self soliciting email with recent blog entries attached, readership has grown by 400%. So. Even if you all don't remember that I exist, I haven’t forgotten, and continue to write, if not to give you a small window into study abroad, then for me to look back years down the road (assuming the servers storing my thoughts haven’t crashed and burned by then) and think about how great it was back when I could just pack up and spend half a year on the other side of the globe.
Last night I had the chance to meet up with two family friends who are spending a year between high school and college in Israel. We’ve all been here for over a month but just now got together. To all of our parents: I have proof in the form of a digital photo of the fact that we did meet up! I’ll send it to you at some point. (I haven’t been so good about the picture thing lately.) Anyway, it was really great to see them and hey, if you two are reading this, you owe me a trip to the university so I can show you my… um… kitchen.
Actually, I had an idiotic moment as we were walking into the restaurant for dinner. Getting used to the bag checking phenomenon is a pain every time I come back to Israel, but I’ve had it down pat lately, especially since I hesitated every time I entered a building in Spain, expecting someone to tap my purse a few times with a black stick. Anyway, as we walked into this restaurant, I automatically held my bag out to the first guy dressed in black I saw by the door. Turns out it was only a waiter standing outside with a couple friends to smoke. He just looked at me, probably wondering what on earth I was trying to offer him out of my purse, and I looked at him, wondering why this useless security guard didn’t even have a black stick. Figured it out pretty quickly as soon as we walked through the doors and saw the real security guy stationed on his stool, black stick included. I’m dumb.
That’s all for now folks, but amazingly enough, there will be more later this week, and even more after that, so please do come back :).
Hi Ilana,
I loved reading about your family vacation in Spain. Tali had filled us in about her taxi "faux pas", but I hadn't heard about your dad's method of ordering food. Sam, Sarah and Jacob are all going to Yavneh for the first month this summer, so you'll have to give Anna some tips on how to survive time alone with her parents! Thanks for sharing your blog; it's fun to hear about your adventures.
I printed out all of your entries and posted them in the shower. I like viewing them while soaping myself.
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