Monday, February 4, 2008

This morning there was a suicide bombing in Dimona, a different city in the Negev in Israel. There was definitely at least one casualty. One bomber succeeded in blowing himself up and another was shot dead before he had the chance to detonate his explosives. One of our counselors texted us all to come meet with the head of the program right after Ulpan which is when I first heard about the attack (we ironically had been just speaking about the implications of the Gaza-Israel border breach) and he told us that we might notice more sirens around the area since the central hospital for all of southern Israel, Soroka, is right next door to the university, but that otherwise we shouldn’t expect anything else out of the ordinary.

Sure enough, as I was walking back to the dorms after the meeting, a siren was blaring and I turned to see an ambulance speeding towards the hospital. A few minutes later, there was another one. Aside from that, things here are basically normal; there were policemen/women on the corners of an intersection right by the dorms and the hospital, probably in an attempt to facilitate the passage of the ambulances.

I’m going to work on my problem set and wait for some more news. I can’t believe I’ve been freaking out so much about that one homework… I wish a bombing hadn’t been the thing to put it into perspective for me though.

Link to article on the terrorist attack:

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