The weather here has suddenly gotten much nicer so I’ve taken to spending the hour and a half following ulpan sitting in the sun in one of the (few) grassy areas at the university for lunch. I think I actually burned a little today! Definitely a welcome change to the winds and rain of last week. Good weather changes my entire outlook on life, puts a bounce in my step, if you will.
Also, a few developments food-wise. I bought some really good Indian style white rice (at least that’s how the package translates) which means I’ve now found a new use for my instant chicken soup broth… seasoning! What I’m eating now actually resembles real people food so I’m pretty excited about that. Today I bought a “toast” for lunch, which basically comes to a panini’d bagel sandwich. You can fill it up with your typical salad bar options then squish it in a Panini machine until it’s flat and toasted and it’s basically amazing.
To be continued after frisbee tonight…
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